Thursday, May 5, 2011

Grace had a bad night last night. She woke up at 12 and I had to change her and give her a bottle before she would go back to sleep. Then she woke up at 2 and was hysterical. We think it might have been a night terror. She just screamed and couldn't be consoled. I tried laying her down and giving her a pacifier but that just made her scream louder. So I laid her in her bed and shut the door to where it was just open a crack. That way she wouldn't wake up ev. It sounds mean but that was the quickest way to get ev out of them was to leave him in bed until he came out of it. Ray went in pretty quick though and turned on the light and laid her down on the changing table. That helped a little but she was still screaming and wouldn't open her eyes. Ray tried laying her in our bed but it didn't help. He just kept holding her and swaying in her room until she finally settled down. It probably went on for like ten minutes. It was awful. If it is a night terror she's starting early. Evan didn't have his first one until nine months. He had them until he was fifteen months. He's had one or two since last summer but that's it. I'm hoping Grace's will be over quicker since it seems to bed starting earlier. On the up side ev is doing better about going to bed and he stayed in his bed most of the night last night. Luckily grace didn't wake him up.

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