Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Incredible achievement!

Evan walked eight or ten steps unassisted! He was holding onto the couch and got excited when Maxx walked by. He walked the length of the couch chasing after him. When he reached the end he grabbed the couch again. I was amazed. He acted like nothing happened.
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Friday, April 9, 2010

Smart boy

Evan has started trying to climb up the couch. He usually grabs our arm and then hikes his leg up to almost the top of the cushion. Then he pulls on our arm until he's just about on the couch. He still needs us to pull him the rest of the way but he's going to be able to do it by himself soon.
He also has started twisting around and trying to go off the couch backwards. We don't quite trust him yet so we hold onto the back of his pants. He then wiggles until he going sideways. Then he kicks one leg over and starts his decent. He's a crazy little guy!

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

He can do it!

Oh my god! Evan took four steps all by himself. I couldn't catch and
tape at the same time though.

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