Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Check up

Evan had his six month check up last week. He's doing great. He got
his last set of shots for a while. He's 28 inches long now and he
weighs 21.8 lbs. She also said he can start on stage two foods. So
I've started making his food a bit thicker. I'm going to incorporate
new foods in as the other runs out. The pediatrician also suggested
that he go to a physical therapist because his head is slightly flat
on one side. The phyisical therapist said he looked really good and
that he probably had some stiffness on one side of his neck. She gave
us some stretches to do and massaged his muscles. She said if he's
doing better, he shouldn't have to come back.
Evan is almost sitting up by himself. I sit with him on the floor and
he kind of wiggles back and forth but he's pretty good at keeping
himself upright. I've also started letting him lay across his boppy
face down so he likes tummy time a bit better and I sit him up with
the boppy around his waist so he can practice sitting. He really likes
his bouncer. I have it in the kitchen and when I make dinner he sits
in there and bounces around and sucks on the toys and talks to the
dogs. Whenever I get close to him he bounces up and down, reaches his
arms straight up and then tries to grab my leg to let me know he wants
He's also started clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth. If you
do it back at him he'll smile and do it again.
He gets cuter every day!
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