Thursday, April 13, 2017

So forget the blue cruiser. It didn't work out. I went out to the trail a couple of times with Wes and my legs were extremely fatigued on flat ground and it would spread into my knees and they would hurt. I raised the seat before the next time because if your not extending all the way that can cause problems but it didn't help much. I was working way too hard to ride a bike. So Ray told me to go to a bike shop to get advice on what kind of bike I needed and measurements and everything. I went in just wanting to talk, I had a lot of questions. I ended up purchasing a bike there. The service was great. I ended up being there 2.5 hrs or so. Part of that was because they were busy and only had a couple of guys working but most of it was because I actually got to try out a few different bikes and the guy narrowed it down to those based on what I wanted to do with it. So then he would have me ride around and based on what issues I had he would adjust the handles bars or the seat. And then have me go around again and see how it felt. While I was riding around the parking lot one of the tires blew on the red bike. So he switched to the same model in black. But in the end I knew I would go with the red and I asked if the flat was due to the parking lot or the wheel hub. So he offered to switch out the whole wheel with the black bike but when he took a look they were different on the inside and I made a joke and said he could do both and he was like "Yeah, it doesn't matter to me." So I ended up with custom tires essentially that I knew weren't going to have any issues. And since he had the wheels off he had to reset the brakes and he checked to make sure all the hardware was tight. I noticed a scratch while I was waiting so I asked him if I could get a discount on the bike for it. I wanted a rear rack so I figured if I could off set the cost I would go for it. He said he could discount the bike the amount of the rack for me. Which the rack ended up being on sale so I got a little more off then I spent on the rack. The purchase also includes a year of tune ups. By the time I left I was really happy. Can't beat a custom fit bike with custom tires. I can't wait to take it out!

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