Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Trouble in Paradise

So we all had a wonderful christmas. We enjoyed seeing all of our
family. Evan's first christmas was definately memorable. Evan played
with paper, bows, and boxes all weekend. He loved christmas.
We all got colds from Santa. Thanks a lot big guy.
Evan came down with either a cold or teething problems Christmas
night. He woke up like every hour because he was congested and he
would cough and wake himself up. He was better the last few nights and
slept through the night. Although last night he was up about three
times. He also has started pushing away from us when we try to hold
him and rock him back to sleep. Very frustrating at four in the
morning. When he does this I put him back in bed but that just makes
him mad.
He's also started throwing fits. He threw a huge one this afternoon. I
was trying to put his jacket on. I sat him on the floor which he
doesn't like anymore because he's learned to crawl a bit and pull up
to standing and now all he wants to do is stay on the go. So he was
trying to pull up on me since I was sitting in front of him but I
couldn't get his shoes and jacket on. So I sat a very fussy Evan on
his little butt and tried to put his shoes on. I succeeded but not
without a lot of crying/screaming and wiggling. I also managed to get
his coat on, much the same way. So by the time we were done I was
stressed out and when I got him up I noticed his shoes were laying on
the ground. I said "forget it" and headed out the door. When I tried
putting him in his car seat he started a mini version of what had just
occurred inside. I buckled him in and called Ray and told him our son
was a brat who threw unbelievable tantrums. Which I'm sure is normal
for all kids but I'd hoped we have at least three more months if not
another year before this happened. I'm hoping it's just because he's
sick or because he's not completely mobile yet. Although the tantrums
also come when we take away unapproved baby toys, such as my tennis
shoes or Ray's computer cables.
So anyway Evan's second tooth has broken through.
We gave him his first haircut. I regret it a little bit. The side and
back look fine but the front is a lot shorter than I would have liked.
But it looks good and it'll grow out. By his first birthday he should
be stylin' again.
He hated the haircut by the way. We used the clippers with a guard on
it. Ray held him and I cut. He squirmed and cried the whole time. I'm
fairly certain parts of his hair are uneven. We eventually got fed up
and quit.
Evan was really cute tonight. Ray was laying on the couch. Evan made
his way to the couch and kept grabbing Ray's shirt and pulling himself
up. Then he'd laugh and bounce around until he fell down. Then he'd
get up and do it again. It's wonderful that he's mobile but it's also

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