Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Evan's four month check up

We actually went a week early because Evan has had a rash off and on for a few weeks. He's also been really cranky the last week or so. And he wants to eat like every two hours. So I took him in. She said the rash might be excema and told us to use hydrocortisone. I put it on him last night before he went to bed and it looks a whole lot better. It should be gone in a few days. She also checked his stats, he's 18.5 lbs and 26 1/4" tall. And she gave him his shots. She said he's probably been grumpy because he's got a lot of different things going on. He seems to be teething and he's growing. She said he also seems to be exhibiting all the signs of a boy who's ready for food. She said this after he tried to eat her lab coat. So he's cleared for real food now. He had his first taste of ceral last night. He wasn't a big fan. I tried to spoon feed him first. He didn't know what to do with that of course. So next we tried putting it in a bottle. He didn't like that much better.
So this morning I did the same again. He actually took it off the spoon and kind of chewed it. After he got tired of that I gave it to him in a bottle and he sucked it down. The pediatrician said to do cereal for a week and if he seems fine on that then he can have fruits or veggies starting next week.
Evan is turning into a big boy so quick. We also moved him into his own room this past Sunday. He did fine but Ray and I are still getting used to it and trying not to worry about him so much. We also bought him a bounce and play station and a big boy convertible carseat. He's almost out grown the one he has.

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