Thursday, June 6, 2013

So we did a day of no naps today. It went pretty well. Grace did pass out in the chair for a little bit while I was cleaning but I got her up and she wasn't cranky this afternoon. And the kids seem a lot more subdued, not as much fighting. Which is good but I feel like it's because they're exhausted. I'm gonna have to come up with things for them to do instead if napping. Today the water table worked really well. It's a lot longer day though when the kids get up at 6 and don't go to bed again until 8. They're definitely ready when bed time rolls around though. Evan doesn't fight much but he's usually up for a while and grace comes out of her room a lot. But she came out a lot less and fell asleep a lot quicker. and evan was out quick. So it seems like this new process is working.

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