Friday, June 24, 2011

Ray and I rented two jetskis yesterday while the kids were napping. I was scared at first. The main part of the lake was really choppy because it was windy. So the first twenty minutes we were getting constantly sprayed in the face and if you got up some speed on the waves you'd jump and feel like you were going to fall off. We made it into a couple of coves though and you could run it full out which was about fifty miles and hour. So we used our two hours running in and out of the coves and jumping waves. Although after a couple I'd get scared and slow it way down. But then I needed another thrill and take off. It was a ton of fun! Ray loved it so much he was looking up prices on jetskis. I think this will definitely be a repeat vacation spot.

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1 comment:

Ryan B said...

Aw, yeah! Find a couple coves, run it full out. FULL OUT.

Wait, what? Looking up prices for what?

The innuendo on this blog is over my head sometimes.