Monday, December 13, 2010

Well today's dr. apt took forever. We had an eye dr. apt this morning and then a ck up with the OB. I told her grace didn't seem to be moving as strong the last day or so. She ckd me and said she wasn't sure if it was the head she felt or not. So she sent us to perenatal at the hospital to monitor grace. The hooked up two monitors. One was for the heart beat and one was for contractions. They gave me a button to push when I felt her move. Then we sat and waited for twenty minutes. She moved a decent amount and the lady said everything looked great with the stress test. So the next part of the test was an ultrasound. They look for her to roll over three times, practice breathing, and stick out an arm or leg. She must have gotten comfortable though because she wasn't moving a whole lot. I switched sides a couple of times to see if she'd move more. She finally did. The tech said everything looked really good. She said that grace had switched positions and that she was sitting under the placenta. She said that's probably why her movements didn't seem as forceful because now there was a cushion. She called dr. Marcrander to see if she wanted me to come back next week. She said she did. So I go in to do another stress test Tuesday morning and see my OB for the last time before the induction.

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