Friday, March 19, 2010

Ugh, who knows...

I know I sound like a broken record. Evan is having trouble sleeping.
Luckily he is still sleeping through the night. However he doesn't
seem to want to go to sleep in the first place. Every since the time
change he has been fighting us.
I don't know if he needs less naps or if it's his teeth or what. He
has four in now. But you can see that many more are making their way
down. He also had a pretty runny nose all day. So either that's
related to his teeth or he's getting a cold. Hopefully not though. We
want him healthy for his party. Anyway, he seems to have stages. I'm
sure this will pass.

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Could be a combination of both. How many naps does he take?

Hope he is well by next week too.